May 2020
Hi Everyone
I trust you and all your loved ones are doing well and keeping safe.
It just dawned on me that it is the 8th week since the #stayathome in isolation for NSW and I have been trying to assess what I have achieved in that time. I have come to realise that it has been a time, where I was so preoccupied with making sense of the novel virus, working out new ways to do business and learning to communicate with an online presence. Is this the same for you?
It is so sad to hear of those that have been affected with the virus and passed: yet at the same time the global stoppage has had positive environmental changes and a time for the world to stop and rethink the current pace of life; questioning and evaluating is bigger, better and faster the best way to go. Is that what life is about?
For many it has meant focusing more on family and family needs in the home; home schooling which has brought a better appreciation of teachers and childcare minders. Some families have come up with innovative ways to make fun and work together. Should this be our new focus?
But more so from a business perspective we have seen workplaces re-purpose their plant and machinery to develop products that were so essential, yet in short supply to ensure that our healthcare sector were fully protected, and safe whilst treating the infected patients.
I say “PPE as a last element on the hierarchy of controls, has certainly shown it’s importance in workplace safety.
SafeWork NSW’s Guide to COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
As a workplace the WHS Laws still apply in term of COVID-19 and managing the risk of infection to our workers and our clients. SafeWork NSW has a guide is to help workplace manage the safety of their worker and workplaces environment during the pandemic.
Please click here to access the resources.
NSW COVID-19 Restrictions
With the Premier’s easing of the NSW COVID-19 Restrictions from 15 May 2020, all workplace needs to re-think how they will manage the workplace activities and restructure the work environment. In this case, one size doesn’t fit all. Every workplace is unique and all those facts must be taken into account when the safety control measures are put in place.
The diagram below provides information on the easing of the restrictions. Currently we are on Step 1.
When looking at Step 2 and 3 maybe begin to think of what possible changes you could make once these restrictions come into effect.
I wish you come out stronger and in good health through this current situation.
Every one of us has an important part to play.
Please take care of yourselves and your loved ones.
NB: Have you tried this Professional Development for You and your workers? Would this be one goal you could achieved for yourself and your workers in the last 8 weeks.
We offer Online WHS Training?
The Online WHS Training Courses, comprises of 7 modules that are also delivered face-to-face. We also offer the Bullying and Harassment course.
The benefits are that they are online; set out in short videos that are easy to understand. They can be accessed anytime, anywhere and on demand. There is no travel required, which is time saved; they come at a low cost to the business, while you meet your due diligence and obligation under the WHS legislation.
Buy ONE Program and we will give access to YOU and ALL your Worker. (Pay Once.)
Click here to access courses.
“Safe actions bring lasting satisfaction.”